first point is I did not clearly see they were detecting neutrino from
LENR.  It seems from the paper that they use Kamiokande as neutron detector.

beside that, when reasoning about DD fusion,  you are making an hypothesis.

D+D->He4 may be something else like

D+e -> nn +v
nn+D -> 4H -> He4 + e + /v

or something else, involving more particles, collective effects, ...
imagine a crazy multibody reaction, more crazy than TSC and WL :
47 D+23 e -> 23 nn + 24 D
7 nn+12D -> 7 4H + 5D
7 4H -> 6He4 + 6e + 6/v + T +n
( why 47 , because 47-5= 42  , and 42 is the solution ;-> )

however that there is no Kamiokande neutrino detection may mean
- that there is no such inverse beta decay, nor direct beta decay
- that the energy range of neutrino is not the one detected at Kamiokande

a big mistake in LENR is to stay used in hidden assumption.

I have nothing to propose except being cautious with assumptions.

Dogs don't fly, so birds have no reason to love meat.

2013/2/14 Daniel Rocha <>

> If you are trying to get neutrinos from D+D=He4, you will get null results
> since there isn't weak interactions involved. He should try with NiH, since
> there would have to be a weak reaction in case of any nuclear reaction.
> 2013/2/14 Chuck Sites <>
>> Wasn't Ishida a graduate student under Steve Jones?   I had a really
>> nice correspondence with Steve regarding the NULL results from the
>> Kamiokande experiments.   What I heard was they thought they were getting
>> good results with D2O+cement (the so called natural soup) but it
>> so overwhelmed the photo-multipliers of the Kamiokande neutrino detector
>> they were told to shut it down.  If I recall Steve attributed that to the
>> natural radon in cement.  His gas experiment was D in Titanium and who
>> knows if his electrolysis tests where that well done.   All where NULL
>> results.
>> Anyway, Ishida was one of  the co-authors on that Steve Jones experiments
>> if I recall.  I hope he still follows the field.
>> Best Regards,
>> Chuck
>> -------
>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Jed Rothwell <>wrote:
>>>  Ishida, T., *Study of the anomalous nuclear effects in solid deuterium
>>> systems*. 1992, Tokyo University. p. 131.
>>>  Abstract:
>>> "By applying the Kamiokande nucleon decay/neutrino detector to neutron
>>> measurement, we have achieved the unprecedented detection properties,
>>> namely efficiency and background of 20.5% and 0.25 events per hour (random
>>> mode), respectively, and 37.4% and one event per year (burst mode),
>>> respectively. A series of definitive tests on the 'Cold Fusion' were
>>> carried out with this ultra low background detector in 1991. The
>>> experimental procedures and results obtained by the online analysis are
>>> presented in this thesis."
>>> They tested pressurized D2 gas sample, electrolytic samples, and
>>> Portland cement made with D2O.
>>>  The electrolytic cells are described starting on page 33. It says:
>>>  "The whole preparation of the electrolytic cells was entrusted to the
>>> groups of BYU and Texas A&M University. The number of measured cells
>>> amounted to 50, which are tabulated in table 5-2."
>>>  Table 5-2a says the Kevin Wolf prepared the TAMU cells. Some of them,
>>> anyway.
>>>  In Phase 3 they measured Portland cement along with the electrolytic
>>> cells.
>>>  There is no indication they tried to measure heat.
>>>  - Jed
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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