Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> Nature comment (we know they're an unbiased source!)

On a subject like this I consider them unbiased. They are only biased
against a limited number of things such as cold fusion. A person's bias or
prejudice is often highly selective to one subject area, and does not
affect other areas.

Anyway, this report says the object released "hundreds of kilotonnes of
energy." That would make it bigger than the Hiroshima bomb. If it had come
straight in during the Cold War, it might have wiped out a city and have
triggered a nuclear war.

The detector used to determine the size of the blast was set up as part of
the Cold War test ban treaty.

As I said, this not "sailing through like a summer breeze." These things
are a serious long-term technical problem, along with global warming, and
things like the reduced efficacy of antibiotics from overuse and abuse. If
people would have more respect for science, and start paying more attention
and money for it, we would be a lot closer to solving problems like this.

The right-wing fruitcakes in Russia are saying this was a U.S. weapon.
People like that are everywhere!

- Jed

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