How to build a gamma shield

I have suggested to Ed Storms that it may be productive for the LENR
theorist to become familiar with the tools available in the conceptual
toolbox wielded by the journeymen nano-optician as follows:

“I think you’re discounting the field of nano-photonics which provides a
body of theory, a conceptual tool box, and an extensive experimentation
inventory which precisely covers the condition you are interested in.

You might be well served in looking into this field of physics for insight.”

At Ed’s suggestion, I am pleased to provide an example demonstrating the
application of this nano-technology in principle to the many conditions
encountered in LENR and explain how it can be applied to these many

I have just run into a good example that may elucidate the point behind
this post.

As a pleasant diversion, I had been reading the “Laboratory Directed
Research and Development Annual Progress Report - Los Alamos National

On page 120 of this voluminous document, I ran across an interesting
article on

“Ultrafast Cathodoluminescence for Improved Gamma-Ray Scintillators”

This got me interested in the nano-properties of Cadmium selenide (CdSe).
This chemical is a solid, binary compound of cadmium and selenium.

Most of the usefulness of CdSe stems from nanoparticles that are particles
with sizes below 100 nm.

CdSe particles of this size exhibit a property known as quantum
confinement. Quantum confinement results when the electrons in a material
are confined to a very small volume.

Quantum confinement is size dependent, meaning the properties of CdSe
nanoparticles are tunable based on their size.

Since CdSe nanoparticles have a size dependent fluorescence spectrum, they
are finding applications in optical devices such as laser diodes. Using
these particles, engineers are able to manufacture laser diodes that cover
a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The quantum confinement effect can be observed once the diameter of the
particle is of the same magnitude as the wavelength of the electron wave
function. When materials are this small, their electronic and optical
properties deviate substantially from those of bulk materials.

A particle behaves as if it were free when the confining dimension is large
compared to the wavelength of the particle. During this state, the bandgap
remains at its original energy due to a continuous energy state. However,
as the confining dimension decreases and reaches a certain limit, typically
in nanoscale, the energy spectrum turns to discrete. As a result, the
bandgap becomes size dependent. This ultimately results in a blue shift in
optical illumination as the size of the particles decreases.

Specifically, the effect describes the phenomenon resulting from electrons
and electron holes being squeezed into a dimension that approaches a
critical quantum measurement, called the exciton Bohr radius. In current
application, a quantum dot such as a small sphere confines in three
dimensions, a quantum wire confines in two dimensions, and a quantum well
confines only in one dimension. These are also known as zero-, one- and
two-dimensional potential wells, respectively. In these cases they refer to
the number of dimensions in which a confined particle can act as a free

The bottom line is that the nano-optician can convert energetic EMF like
gamma rays into heat by sizing nano-particles appropriately.

In systems like the Papp engine we may want to convert electrons into
x-rays. This is being done in the aforementioned article using a core and
shell cadmium selenide/zinc sulfide core/ shell nanocrystals.

Papp used sulfur and red phosphorous to do some rudimentary EMF conversions
from electrons to x-rays.

But today, these advanced nano-particles can be enclosed by a light z
electrode material like aluminum as Joe Papp once did.

As a nano-engineer, one can convert gamma rays into heat as in the Rossi
reactor type. Or one can convert electrons into x-rays as in the Papp

This EMF frequency conversion shifting can be routinely done today by
anyone willing to learn how to do it; no Nobel prizes required.

Cheers:   Axil

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