Brian Josephson
February 20th, 2013 at 4:21 AM

In view of the repeated and unexplained delays, it would be comforting to those 
wondering what is happening if your Third Party would issue their own 
announcement, summarising progress or otherwise. Perhaps this view, which I am 
sure is shared by many others, can be passed on to them.

Andrea Rossi
February 20th, 2013 at 10:57 AM

Dear Prof. Brian Josephson:
The work of the Indipendent Third Party probably will finish in March. The 
publication probably will be made by the end of March or close to it and it 
will be made whatever the results, indipendently from us. In the meantime we 
are completing the construction of the first non military 1 MW plant. You are 
in the list of the persons that will be invited to visit it. The timing of 
their work does not depend on me: you are among the most important scientists 
of the World and a Nobel Prize, so you know perfectly how can work a validation 
of a thing that is as complex as ours.
In the meantime we are completing the construction of the first 1 MW plant for 
civil operation. You are in the list of the scientists that will be invited to 
visit it.
Thank you for your attention.
Warm Regards

Andrea Rossi
February 21st, 2013 at 9:06 AM

Dear Andre Blum:
The visits will need the permission of the owner of the plant. When visits will 
be allowable, we will check all the requests.
Warm Regards,

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