Post 2

Micro-particles provide another means for the amplification of the LENR
effect through resonances.

In a bulk material, there are hot spots and thermally dead areas in the
lattice that result in an uneven distribution of heat and associated phonon
choppiness. Breaking up the lattice into equal size pieces mitigates this

In addition, micro-particles provide a regular structure that can ring like
a bell when the proper resonance EMF frequency is applied to them.

Just like crystal glass broken by an opera singer, the micro-particle will
respond with pronounced resonant gain when it feels the proper EMF
frequency applied to it.

This EMF is heat or infrared black body radiation. There is a specific
black body infrared frequency that each micro-particle will respond to when
it is exposed to it.

The response of the particle will be relatively week if the frequency is
above or below the resonant frequency.

The resonant frequency provides a set point temperature that is
proportional to the size of the micro-particle.

The applied EMF will give the vibrations inside the particle ever
increasing constructive gain that can achieve a very high phonon intensity

The micro-particle system will tend to settle on the resonant temperature
because when the temperature is high the temperature of the system will
drop until the system hits the resonant frequency.

The system will fail to startup if the resonant temperature is not reached
or exceeded.

The micro-particle system will be the most productive when a large fraction
of the particles are the same size. I consider this behavior as another
resonant mechanism that amplifies electron photoelectric production.

To make the system start up more easily, however, as a compromise to
practicality, some deviation from the particle sizing rule should be
allowed. The larger particles size distribution arrays will gradually
ratchet up the startup temperature in steps proportional to the sizes of
the startup particles until the temperature of the system corresponds to
the set point temperature.

The set point temperature provides the minimum size that the micro-particle
should be configured to. This disciplined particle sizing practice will
avoid runaway burn up.

A small sized particle will result in a higher set point temperature. A
large particle will produce a lower temperature.

Photoelectric resonance.

When the temperature of the particle is optimum, the phonon vibrations will
couple to the electron gas most strongly.

The key to LENR is to get that electron gas as dense as possible to support
coulomb screening through charge screening. This is another example of how
resonance supports the LENR+ intensity difference over the random LENR

Resonance count in the micro-particle based LENR reaction is up to six with
the addition of particle usage, equal particle sizing, blackbody
temperature resonance, and optimum photoelectric/EMF coupling.

I will next cover how a positive feedback loop with the clusters in the
hydrogen envelope will increase the electron gas density.

Cheers:   axil

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Post 1
> The key to understanding how to control the Rosssi type Ni/H reaction is
> to grasp how heat, radiation and electrons affect each other in the lattice
> and in the surrounding gas envelope and how to control this interaction.
> There is a half dozen reinforcing processes that increase both heat and
> electron density on the surface of the lattice.
> This description of the LENR reaction assumes that the Plexciton is the
> lattice structure that is the active agent of Micro-particle LENR.
> Defining terms and laying out the basics of the LENR reaction:
> Heat interacts with the lattice at the sites of lattice imperfections to
> activate NAE. This is the exciton: a bound state of an electron and hole
> which are attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force. It is
> an electrically neutral quasiparticle. The lattice must be excited so that
> these dipoles are formed. Heat, the first important LENR parameter is
> applied to the lattice to produce excitons. Excitons are bosions with spin
> one.
> Next, A plasmon is a quantum of plasma oscillation. Plasmons are
> collective oscillations of the free electron gas density. In explanation,
> at optical frequencies of heat through the photoelectric effect, heat
> (infrared light) coupes with free electrons and causes them to oscillate on
> the surface of the lattice forming plasmons.
> The photoelectric effect aggregates negatively charged plasma of the free
> electron gas and a positively charged background of atomic cores. The
> background is the rather stiff and massive background of atomic nuclei and
> core electrons which we will consider being infinitely massive and fixed in
> space.
> The negatively charged plasma is formed by the valence electrons of nickel
> hydride that are uniformly distributed over the surface of the lattice.
> If an oscillating electric field is applied to this solid, the negatively
> charged plasma tends to move some distance apart from the positively
> charged background. As a result the lattice surface is negatively polarized
> and there will be an excess positive charge on a base upon which the see of
> electrons float.
> When these waves of electrons (plasmons) interact with excitons,
> coherently coupled plasmons and excitons give rise to new optical
> excitations--plexcitons--due to the strong coupling of these two oscillator
> systems. These quantum coherent Plexcitons fill the Nuclear active
> environments (NAEs) and form the intense electromagnetic fields greatly
> amplified through Fano resonance that produce fusion in the NAEs; but more
> on that latter.
> I will describe in detail what the NAE looks like in detail, but at this
> juncture it can be described as a nano-sized volume that store electrons
> separated from their atoms on the surface walls of the cavity.
> The walls are positively charged and the dielectric gas that fills the
> void (hydrogen) is negatively charged with a coherent alternating current
> of electron gas.
> Because the Plexcitons are bosons, there is no limit to the number of
> these quasiparticles (the electron half of the dipole) that can be packed
> into the NAE. The other positive hole part of the dipole resides on the
> walls of the NAE.
> This coherence of the electron gas with the IR EMF is the first level and
> most basic level of resonance in the Ni/H reaction.
> One way to increase the strength of the LENR reaction is to increase the
> density of the electrons gas that floats around on the surface of the
> lattice.
> I am interested in the system that uses micro-particles for the lattice
> because that type of system provides additional resonances to increase
> reaction intensity.
> This amplification process through the use of micro-particles is the
> subject of my next post.
> Resonance count in the micro-particle based LENR reaction so far is one.

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