I see I can once again, post in Vortex-l


Let me follow up with the following addendum:


I've come to the conclusion that Krivit's unique brand of investigative
skills would be more suitable if applied towards the investigation of the
abomination known as the United State's health-care system. Once when I was
still a NET board member Mr. Krivit told me he was possibly interested in
investigating the health care field. He was thinking of doing that after he
felt he had done all he could do within the LENR field. I wish Mr. Krivit
would wrap up his LENR ASAP and start applying his investigative skills
towards investigating the health care system. I think that's the field where
he would end up doing the most good work for society. It's been my
observation that Steve excels at digging up dirt on individuals and then
writing up scrappy exposés on their deplorable behavior, especially
individuals in places of power who screw around with their colleagues. IMO,
ferreting out all the crap going on in the HC system would be right up Mr.
Krivit's alley. I suspect he would become famous for his exposés and end up
making far more of an useful impact there than what he is currently trying
to achieve within the LENR field. There is so much wanton waste and
kleptomania going on within HC management that I honestly don't know what
Steve waiting for! For god's sake, there are gold nuggets lying on the floor
waiting to be pocketed.



Steven Vincent Johnson





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