Insanity is not beyond academia, as we have tragically witnessed with the
tyranny of theory over experiment in the history of LENR.  However, this
particular form of insanity is more interesting.  Why, of they are willing
to let experiment have its proper place, do they insist on interfering with
the agreed-upon experimental protocol in such a way as to endanger the
practicality of the experiment -- said practicality including the obvious
issues of trade secrecy?  No academic institution of the modern era can be
that naive.

Indeed, this is so incredibly naive of a modern academic institution that,
otherwise, is engaged in rational empiricism, that it is probable that
Yildiz is substantively misrepresenting the interaction, which throws
the entirety of Yildiz's claims into additional suspicion.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

>  At 01:35 PM 1/9/2013, Alan Fletcher wrote:
> Old news :  Magnet motor demonstrated at Delft University  (2010)
> <>
> Doesn't run long enough to demonstrate non-fake, but broken down into
> fairly small sub-assemblies.
> BSMH-Yildiz' All-Magnet-Motor 30-Day University Test Pending
> <>
> Was originally planned as a 3-day test in a hotel room, now rescheduled as
> a 30-day test at Eindhoven U.
> Q and A on background
> The (still un-named) University reneges on the terms. It was to be a
> "black box" test .... but now they insist on seeing the internals :
> ...
> The only thing that is needed to prove that the motor works is time
> running, powering a load, to show that no known technology could possibly
> provide that much power that could be contained in the size of the
> apparatus. That's all. They don't need to look inside. That's protected
> information and will be until a PCT patent can be filed.
> ...
> The one university at which he was supposed to begin a 30-day 
> test<>in
>  the middle of January, at first had agreed to the 'black box' terms that
> Yildiz had stipulated, but then changed the criteria and said they must
> look inside and measure the magnets before, during, and after. They forgot
> that their purpose isn't to scientifically document the minutia of the
> technology but just to validate that it works.
> ...

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