Thanks for pointing out this exchange, Steven. I have been following the discussion and have been commenting privately to Krivit.

The level of confusion in this field, as revealed by the discussions I read and what Krivit says, is too great for conventional science to take any interest. I know because in my past life I was a conventional scientist.

When working in conventional science, the rules are well known so that the discussions are with people who share this understanding and the focus is in how the rules apply. The chemist talks to other chemists who know the rules that apply to chemistry while the physicist talks to other physicists, who also know the rules that apply to their particular study. Cold fusion is different. Here, no agreement about the rules exists, not even among the physicists about physics. To make matters worse, the rules that apply to chemistry are ignored or considered unimportant. Krivit has made the confusion even worse why defending the least rational explanation.

I think the field has a basic and irreconcilable flaw that will doom to rejection it until someone gets very lucky and can provide a demonstration that cannot be ignored. I do not see this happening anytime soon.

As for what Garwin said, this is irrelevant. Until Garwin and people like him step in and clearly support the claims, nothing will change. An ambiguous comment has no value and is a waste of time to even discuss.


On Mar 23, 2013, at 9:26 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

Jed, Ed,

As the both of you may know, Abd Lomax, being the obsessive poster that he can be at times, has recently posted a great deal of additional analysis on Mr. Krivit, New Energy Times, & W-L out on NewVortex. His comments are a matter of public record out in Yahoo NewVortex (aka: Vortex-l classic).

Some might find the following two NewVortex posts of interest.

Here is an excerpt from Abd discussing Krivit's propensity to completely misunderstand the communications of another individual. In this case Krivit's inability understand the intent of Richard Garwin's own words:

See NewVortex subject thread: New Energy Times (non)coverage of W-L LENR theory criticism


> Read the Garwin page. I've covered this here.
> A better link is

[From Krivit & NET]

>>Richard Garwin (Nuclear physicist, key
>>participant in the Manhattan Project and
>>designer of the first hydrogen bomb) - 2007:
>>“< >…I
>>didn’t say it was wrong”


[Abd goes on to say]

> Garwin did not tell Krivit that he found
> nothing wrong with the Widom-Larsen theory. If
> he did, it's not shown on the linked page.
> Garwin said what was quoted: "I didn't [s]ay it
> was wrong." That was literal, a negation of his
> having allegedly said something that he had not
> said.
> Krivit first reported this at
> He's completely misunderstood Garwin. He took
> that statement as support for W-L theory, when
> it's pretty clear that Garwin thinks it's bogus.
> The gamma shield. Krivit did not originally
> understand the brief comment, which shows that,
> at least at that time, that he was clueless about
> this huge problem with W-L theory.

I have added my own comments about what I think may be motivating Krivit to respond the ways that he continues to do. Some of this personal opinion of mine comes about as a result of having been a former BoD on Krivit's NET around the time Steve first published his infamous critique of McKubre's M4 experimental analysis.

By all means feel free to read the entire thread. Knowing that Abd can be quite prolific and lengthy, I recommend sitting down in your favorite comfy char in the corner den with your etablet, fortified with a glass of fine red wine. … Some weekend evening reading. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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