Krivit made a correction and sent me a note, but I think the paragraph
still needs work. I am surprised he does not know this stuff. Here is his
note and my response.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hi Jed,

My text is not correct and your point is well-taken.

I have removed "state-of-the-art in LENR research" and corrected the
sentence as follows:

"The main problem with his promotion was that the typical current results,
at the time, and still today, was and is a couple of Watts of excess heat
that last for a few minutes."

I will post a correction notice on the article in a minute.

Thank you,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You wrote:

> I have removed "state-of-the-art in LENR research" and corrected the
> sentence as follows:
> "The main problem with his promotion was that the typical current results,
> at the time, and still today, was and is a couple of Watts of excess heat
> that last for a few minutes."

Still wrong. Excess heat of a few watts that lasts a few minutes (say ~240
joules) could not be detected with many calorimeters. It has to last for 10
minutes or so, and most examples of excess heat I know of lasted for hours
or days. As McKubre says, the effect is neither small nor fleeting. In
1994, McKubre said the heat typically lasts 8 to 23 days:

Here is an early example from Fleischmann, lasting 300,000 seconds (3.4

Here is one that lasted about 1.2 million seconds (14 days) at low level,
followed by several hours at high heat (~100 W):

Also, as I said, such short-duration heat would not exceed the limits of
chemistry. That is, it would not be "excess heat in deuterium-loaded
palladium cathodes at levels too large for chemical transformation"
(McKubre, ibid.).

Heat seldom exceeds 1 W. See Fig. 4:

- Jed

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