
The center of the globe is an entropic BLACK HOLE and our primary weather
patterns are TOROIDAL STRINGS of DARK MATTER/ENERGY condensing and
coalescing towards that black hole center.

I am starting to capitalize stuff like you so I am starting to worry about


On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan <
alset9te...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> ?EARTH's core is a 'Core-Star' within a Casimir Cavity?
> That reminds me:(other than I'm 'not' up on Cayce):  But the reported &
> widely observed
> Geo-Magnitic 'TRIANGLE GRID' spanning the globe notably vectors Japan in
> the
> middle of one and is 'coincidentally' the junction of 'three' continental
> plates. . .
> The 'above' (and below) as prologue: My son is a principal of a 'tech'
> laboratory
> a major DARPA contractor(runs in the family unfortunately; they made him
> an offer he could 'not'
> refuse). And suddenly he's speaking 'seriously' of the 'Hollow Earth'
> Theory; so
> I thinks that maybe they slipped him some 'psychotropics' not that I'd put
> it past them.
> But upon closer examination 'Son' demonstrates that the Geo-Mag-EM-field
> and Grav-density
>  calculations actually 'work' and especially much better than 'classic'
> accepted modalities.
> The spooky part of this is the concept that the Earth is in fact a
> gyro-toroidal plasma-breach
> reactor and at the Axial-Centre Plasma Breach point there exists a
> quasi-star internal
> 'sun' as it were within a bonafide Casimir Cavity.
> DELUGE:  The ancient universal planetary deluge is 'proven' by peristent
> geology and global
> historic accounts from all points of the globe. . . so I was 'more'
> intrigued. . . so I began
> to play devil's advocate to 'disprove' him. . . oops, not so fast.
> The model of the Solar System as a Gyro-Toroidal Plasma-Breach reactor and
> the planets
> as gyro-toroidal/gravionic-centrific reactors within the Entirety of the
> Sol-System is a provoking
> HIGH ENERGY 'Solar Machine/Motor'  scheama.
> Since our Sol-System is within a Galaxy perennially accelerating within a
> greater universal plasma-medium;
> this connotes that the entire Energy-Mass Speed-Density quotient is always
> evolving to higher & higher
> energy plateaus. . . Nothing is ever static and ENERGY DENSITY never
> diminishes; but rather ubiquitously
> & perennially increasing(?out of Hi-Density Adjacent-Aexospace?. . . so
> much for neg-entropy.
> Only ever expanding Quantum-Higher Energy 'jumps' from plateau to higher
> spectrum plateau occur and
> that CHANGE-system never goes backward.
> In Long:  The continents reassemble into a perfect much smaller 'solid'
> ball.  At the last given Sol-Planetary
> Quantum-Energy 'jump' the EM-Plasma-Breach thresh-hold was reached and the
> 'crust' split and the first
> 'ballooning out' raised the beds of our prior mostley deep water-world
> planet bringing the oceans first up
> shallowly above all the planet's surface and then an immediate partial
> settling-contraction left the original
> surface (now the higher elevation continents) now dry.  And the
> 'new' ballooned out area 'between' the
> 'now new & larger above water continents' was now settled
> in/sank-contracted 'some' to be our current
> ocean beds(more or less).  (hense the 'deluge' assuming of course that the
> original land area of
> a largely original smaller 'water-world' Earth was inhabited by our
> ancestors; some of whom 'survived')
> In other words this caused a quantum jump in our planetary volumn AND our
> Geo-Mag EM plasma breach
> ENERGY QUANTUM FIELD/OUTPUT which would actually tend to 'stabilize' our
> interactive 'orbit' within
> the greater Sol-Gyro-Toroidal/EM-field dynamic.
> Jupiter is this: and maybe our fate at 'next' Plasma-Breach Quantum EM
> Jump is to expand into
> a another Jupiter like Planet-SUB-STAR.  Hopefully we live on other
> younger habitable planets by then.
> A Planet-Internal 'plasma-breach EM-power source is indicated by our
> fairly wild geo-mag/atmospheric
> Electro-Magneto and Van Allen 'Grid' Gyro-Toroidal/TORUS field dynamic.RE:
> Aurora Borealis,
> Sprites; Jets, EMGyro- Tornadics/Maelstrom-Hurricane/TaiFun-Typhoon effect
> etc. etc. etc. etc.
> And to the final point:  The so-called 'weird' planetary
> 'Triangle' GRID plots out rather perfectly with this idea.
> In an electro motor Argon-field observation chamber you can obseve the
> same 'triangle-EM-eddie (system)'
> juxtaposed off of the 'equator' of the 'Gyro-Toroid-EM-Centrific' field of
> a 'running' electric motor. ( it's a
> really cool effect too!~^)
> In finali:  The Centre of the globe is a CASIMIR CAVITY/plasma-breach
> Cored Energy System.  This is
> 'good news' in that Axial Gyro-Centrific AXIAL EM-JET Stability thereby
> established and supported 'now' with 'more' free water at our Equators
> is predicted which also will  tend to stabilize  the seasonal axial
> wobble.
> IN REAL SHORT:  Short term profound, but survivable planetary trauma and
> plate shifting and coastal 'sloshing;'
> but long term planetary stability.  That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
> . . . for now anyway~^)
>  > Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 12:35:18 -0400
> > Subject: Re: [Vo]:The'Shift here-now'/Isla Las Palmas&Antarctic Ice Shelf
> > From: hohlr...@gmail.com
> > To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> >
> > Speaking of "Skyfall", did you know that the island of Raoul Silva,
> > the antagonist was a real island?
> >
> > Plug this into your Google maps:
> >
> > Hashima Island, Nagasaki, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
> >

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