John, I never left the path..perhaps this makes me a nutty troll but didn't 
Tesla already treat this like an electrical science, He proposed that super 
high voltages could stiffen or "solidify" the ether. If I recall the story 
correctly Lorentzian theory was never proven wrong only less elegant than 
Einstein's but  with equivalent results and later in life Einstein did embrace 
ether theory. Casimir theory is an example of this where the results can be 
adequately explained from either perspective and when it comes down to brass 
tacks ..does it really matter which theory you choose?  I choose ether theory 
because it is easy to visualize and requires less math skill to make a point.  
I like the Haisch - Rueda example of a car accelerating into a rainstorm 
increasing the pressure and resistance to forward motion with acceleration as 
being equivalent to acceleration through the ether..approach C and the pressure 
increases at a Pythagorean rate between time and space pushing the vector up 
from zero toward 90 degrees on the time axis [time dilation occurs in positive 
direction -slows from our perspective].. What IMHO is occurring in these NAE 
-and it agrees with the Naudt's paper which redefines the hydrino as 
"relativistic" hydrogen, is that the "rain" in the Haisch-Rueda experiment 
which defines the "baseline" of rainfall- ether at zero velocity is actually 
capable of being "shielded" at the nano scale.. Casimir plates like all macro 
world matter experience ether intersecting our plane at 90 degrees from all 
spatial directions but can take advantage of conduction and geometry to shield 
a tiny cavity where the "pressure" as Puthoff would call it is reduced.. 
putting the passengers in that car at a lower pressure than what we consider 
the baseline in the macro world.. the hydrogen atoms are those passengers and 
do not need to accelerate to achieve relativistic effects..instead of 
compressing the rainfall by accelerating the NAE is simply suppressing the 
rainfall  - much easier to do without any energy requirements other than to 
build the geometry in opposition to stiction forces. Of course any hydrogen 
migrating in and out of these NAE cavities will translate back and forth 
through different inertial frames and gain nothing without some asymmetrical 
process that opposes the migration in one direction vs the other..allowing us 
to tap the translation for energy as if the car was changing velocities... also 
note that the vector for occupants of this NAE - car  is now toward negative 90 
degrees and it is we who appear to slow down from dilation from the perspective 
of the occupants in this lower pressure environment..

From: John Berry []
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:21 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Any experimenters, aether theorists here?

I have been in Vo's ugly nest of believers for a very long time.

I think in general a more accurate sentence might be a nest of skeptics and 
jaded ex-believers (oh, and some nuts and trolls, and nutty trolls).

Anyway I have some developments in the direction of influencing the aether 
sufficient to make it felt by most people.

My goal is to make this into a science, not dissimilar too electrical 
And I am hoping to gain suggestions and other intput, and since this is very 
easy to experiment with some may wish to collaborate.

I can probably prove the reality of this to anyone interested with the 
investment of only 2-3 minutes and no materials needed.

This is the science of the future (and perhaps the past) that will provide Free 
Energy, Antigravity and a Star Trek level technology in general.

Anyone want to take the path less traveled?


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