
First let me say I really like your enthusiasm for debunking.  It is rare
to see that much energy.

> Not totally wrong, just wrongly interpreted.

Then you should help the laymen and failed scientists here interpret the
misinterpreted evidentiary record -- specifically, you should focus your
energy on specific details of specific experiments.  Keeping your argument
at such a general level will only impress those already committed to the
idea that cold fusion is nonsense.

> Don't be silly. The field is already dead. No one cares anymore. The
> credit of which you speak has already been handed out to Koonin and Lewis
> and Huizenga and others.

However the final story plays out, I suspect these guys will be seen as
having been overzealous in their attempts to enforce their view and as a
result having lacked sufficient objectivity to make the claims they were

> It's caught my interest. Other people become experts at video games; I've
> gotten similarly addicted to cold fusion debunking.

If you're going to debunk, you should hone your skill and zoom in on
specific details.  I recommend reading some of David Kidwell's papers.  He
does a great service to us true believers by suffering our incompetence and
speaking on our level rather than tossing about vague generalities.


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