After his treatment by the AIP, who can blame Bishop for being "conflicted"
about cold fusion both because we're all "conflicted" about it because
virtually none of us are the "true believers" the shit-for-brains
pseudoskeptics make us out to be, and because there is tremendous value
demanding investigation combined with tremendous power threatening
retribution for honest investigation.

How anyone could keep their head screwed on straight through all that is a
question for the ages.

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> James Bowery <> wrote:
>>  Although they were not able to have his award rescinded, they were able
>> to get the AIP, in their award statement, basically censure Mr. Bishop even
>> as they awarded him.
> Bishop himself seemed conflicted about cold fusion. He did not want to
> hear anything more about it, and he seemed hostile toward Gene and I.
> - Jed

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