*You should have read the Vortex posting I may recently, repeated below
(the data on arcing is especially informative) -*
I have read it. W&L seem to be fascinated and awed by the power of charge

The quotes in your reference refer to concentrations that are stellar in
power, the power nuclear weapons were also referenced and also white dwarf

W&L seems to be moving more toward electrons and away from neutrons in
their theorizing. Is a crisis of theory ahead for W&L? Time will tell.

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 4:05 PM, <pagnu...@htdconnect.com> wrote:

> Axil,
> You should have read the Vortex posting I may recently, repeated below
> (the data on arcing is especially informative) -
> Lattice Energy LLC- Technical Discussion-NTSB Logan Dreamliner Runaway
> Data Suggest High Local Temps-May 7 2013
> http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen/lattice-energy-llc-technical-discussionntsb-logan-dreamliner-runaway-data-suggest-high-local-tempsmay-7-2013
> The discussion of the energetics of electrical arcs is quite interesting.
> The temperatures, current and power densities attainable in low voltage
> arcs is quite counter-intuitive.
> Also, perhaps worth noting, is that crack formation on metal surfaces
> initiate breakdown discharges that create micro-volcanic ejecta sites.
> -- Lou Pagnucco
> Axil wrote:
> >
> http://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/blog/techflash/2013/03/details-emerge-on-boeing-787.html
> >
> > *Details emerge on Boeing 787 lithium-ion battery fix; FAA testing half
> > over
> > *
> >
> > Could LENR be proved by the meltdown of the Lithium batteries through the
> > structure of the Dreamliner.
> >
> > The cause of the battery fires is not yet known. The solution is a
> > protection plan predicated on the maximum chemical potential that the
> > batteries can contain.
> >
> > But if the cause is LENR, will the containment be enough to protect t
> > plane
> > from the the raging nuclear fires in the batteries from burning through
> > the
> > structure of the plane?
> >

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