On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I think it is rude for him not to address substantive points raised by
> others, such as McKubre Fig. 1.

I did. Twice. I know it's easier for you to ignore what I write, and then
attribute made-up arguments to me you think you can address, but if you're
looking for an example of rudeness, that's it.

> Also, for example, he asked a legitimate question:
> "In any case, my question was really why don't *all* intelligent people
> accept it."
> I made a serious effort to answer that question with an important example
> from history, of intelligent people who rejected what should have an
> irrefutable fact: that the U.S. would win an all-out war.

Come on. You were just showing off. If you read the rest of my post, you'd
realize I was making the point that war-time bravado and sociological
decisions made in the heat of war are not the same as dispassionate
decisions made by scientists over a period of many years. That you dig up
that sort of example shows that there aren't any in the science arena.

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