Lou, we are now on exactly the same page! My posit remains that relativistic 
effects are exactly what "suppression" does. When longer wavelengths can't fit 
between the casimir geometry it becomes negative to us in exactly the same way 
we appear to suppress longer wavelengths to an object approaching "C". This is 
a quantum effect of the nickel geometry that alters the space time which the 
gas between the plates occupies. I do believe the transition is "transparent" 
to the gas atoms [tiny local observer] and will remain symmetrical as 
suppression increases and decreases. There won't be an energy gain unless 
reactions are synchronized to occur at different suppression levels such that 
this change in equivalent energy can be used to discount the "restore" side of 
the reaction. I think this may happen in nature but runaway quickly destroys 
the geometry and it will only be with careful heat sinking, material choices 
and control of the geometry that we will be able to retain the properties long 
enough to learn more about them and how to exploit.

-----Original Message-----
From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com [mailto:pagnu...@htdconnect.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 3:04 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:'Slow' arcing electrons can gain relativistic mass

Widom-Larsen, Brillouin (and some others) propose that electrons acquire
782 KeV mass/energy and overcome the electroweak barrier to combine with
protons, deuterons or tritons to produce low momentum neutrons.

Storms notes [1] that an electron must reach relativistic speeds to gain
782 KeV in a lattice, - seemingly a very tall order, due to collisions.
Others, e.g. Hagelstein, et al[2], doubt that field strengths in LENR
experiments provide this extra energy ("renormalized" mass).

I think both objections may overlook collective effects.

In an arc, colliding electron-proton(deuteron) wave packet pairs are
strongly squeezed together by equal, opposite magnetic forces.

Even when the composite packet has velocity zero (lab frame), the packets
continue absorbing field energy by becoming more oscillatory, localized and
overlapping as spectra shift to high mass/energy eigenstates. In pictures:

 TIME      Low resolution ASCII graphic of
  |     e-p collision with (lab) velocity ~ 0
  V        PROTON              ELECTRON
  |        ----->               <-----            Decreasing
  |     _____________       _____________          Magnetic
  |    /             \     /             \     Vector Potential
  |   /    PROTON     \   /   ELECTRON    \
  |  /       'p'       \ /       'e'       \      A
  |  -------------------+---------------------   ------------->
  V                     |\   'HEAVIER'                       |
  |                     | \   ELECTRON                       |
  |       _____________ |  \    /\                           |
  |      |             \|   \  /  \                          V
  |      |              |    \/    \  /\  /\                 |
  |      |              |           \/  \/  \     A          |
  |  -------------------+--------------------\   ------->    |
  |                                                          V
  |                  |                                   A-field
  |                  |\                                transfering
  |                  | \   |       'HEAVY'              momentum
  |                  |  \  |\     ELECTRON             to e-p pair
  |       ___________|___\ | \ |                             |
  |      |           |   |\|  \|\                            |
  |      |           |   | |   | |                           |
  |      |         /\|   |  \   \ \               A          |
  |  -------------/------+-------\-\----------   --->        V
  V     significant e-p     electron wave packet
     wave packet overlap    becomes squeezed, more
                            localized, oscillatory,
                            - spectrum shift to high
                            mass/energy eigenstates

Electron velocities in arcs are usually far below relativistic, but the arc
magnetic field stores huge energy and momentum that is transferred to/from
colliding particles when the arc current rises, falls, or is interrupted.

To gain 782Kev in energy, an electron can equivalently acquire (see [6])

   momentum = 6.3480 * 10^-22 [N*sec]  -- where [N] = newtons

The following example shows that this does not require exotic lab equipment.

Assume the electron is in an arc plasma uniformly distributed in a tube
with radius=R, length=10*R, current=I aligned with the z-axis of 3-space.

We want to compute how much field momentum can be transferred to a electron
'e' in a collision at a radial distance 'r' from the tube center.

 ===============================             x-axis
 ^         e                          \     /
 |         ^       <----- I[Amps]      \   /
 |         | r                          \ /
 2R -------+-------------------   <------x----- z-axis
 |                                      / \
 |                                     /   \
 v                                    /     y-axis

 |<------   L = 10*R   ------->|

The (under-utilized) "magnetic vector potential" field (denoted A(r))
depends only on local currents.  Very conveniently [3,4]  --

  q*A(r) = momentum impulse (as a vector) that a charge 'q' at point 'r'
           picks up if currents sourcing vector-field 'A' are shut off

By ref[5], near the outer surface of the electron plasma tube (r = R),
the momentum available to electrons, protons, or deuterons is

  [e]*|A(R)| = [e] * (u0/4*pi) * ln(2L/R) * I
             = (1.6*10^-19 [C]) * (10^-7 [N/Amp^2]) * ln(20) * I
             = 4.8 * 10^-26 [C] * [N/Amp^2] * I

{Note that this only depends on the R and L ratio.}

So, the minimum current which can provide a colliding electron (at a
radial distance R) in this arc with 782 KeV is

  I = {6.348 * 10^-22 [N*sec]} / {4.8 * 10^-26 [C*N/Amp^2]}
    = 1.33 * 10^4 [Amp]

  -- [e] = electron charge = 1.6*10^-19 [C], [C] = coulomb
     u0  = permeability of free space = 4*pi*10^-7 [N/Amp^2]
     ln = natural log,  ln(20) ~ 3
     [Amp] = [C]/[sec]

Much greater arc currents are routinely achieved [7].

 1) Only electrons can acquire significant relativistic mass from
    a momentum "kick" in arcs due to their small mass.
    More massive protons, deuterons or tritons will not gain much mass.

 2) The equation for |A(r)| is singular at r=0 (see [5]).
    This is not "unphysical" since volume integral is still finite.
    It shows that much smaller currents still can produce "heavy electrons"
    at the center of current flow, but less frequently.

 3) It is not obvious whether inner K-shell electrons of an atom in an
    arc can be forced into the nucleus - resulting in "electron capture"

 4) Perhaps a similar analysis applies to currents in emulsions of metal
    particles in dielectric fluids [8].

 5) Widom-Larsen also calculate the collective magnetic force using the
    "Darwin Lagrangian" which includes pairwise magnetic energy between

[1] (p. 29) "A Student's Guide to Cold Fusion"

[2] "Electron mass shift in nonthermal systems"

[3] "Feynman Lectures on Physics" Vol.3, Ch.21 (p.5)

[4] "On the Definition of 'Hidden' Momentum" (p.10 - note cgs units)

[5] UIUC Physics 435 EM Fields & Sources - LECTURE NOTES 16 (p. 8)

[6] Accelerating Voltage Calculator


    United States Patent Application 20110233061
    http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2011/0233061.html - EXCERPT:
<<Ultrasonic amplification may have usefulness, but it is inferior to
  are discharges through nanocomposite solids due to a process called the
  "inverse skin effect." In ordinary metals, a rapid pulse of current
  remains close to an outer surface in a process referred to as the
  "skin effect." Typically, the electric current pulses flow on the outer
  surface of a conductor. Discharges through a dielectric embedded with
  metallic particles behave very differently. The nanoparticles act as a
  series of short circuit elements that confine the breakdown currents to
  very, very small internal discharge pathways. This inverse skin effect
  can have great implications for energy densification in composite
  materials. Energetic reactions described fully herein are amplified
  by an inverse skin effect. These very small discharge pathways are so
  narrow that the magnetic fields close to them are amplified to
  magnitudes unachievable by other methods >>

Comments/criticisms are welcome.

-- Lou Pagnucco

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