This is the second copy of this message. I think the first one failed to go through. Ed Storms tells me that his message are also bouncing frequently. This is frustrating, given all the excitement.

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In Swedish, but Google translate does an amazing job translating it:

(I wish Google worked this well for Japanese.)

Two pathological skeptics weigh in with evasions and weasel words:

"Goran Eriksson, professor of applied nuclear physics at Uppsala University, who commented critically on earlier reports about the E-cat, finds that the latest report makes no mention of fusion or nuclear physics and thereby not affecting his area of expertise."

I think this means "outside his area of expertise" which is a ridiculous evasion. He does not understand the concept of energy density?

"New technology has also contacted another former critic, Peter Ekström, lecturer in Nuclear Physics at Lund University, who believes that the report contains several weaknesses but asks to come back with comments."

Give us a break, prof. Wanna bet he never comes back with comment?

Here is Mats Lewan's earlier report, on his own website:

- Jed

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