Hello group,

Today, international Business Times Italy featured an article about the recently released third party report about several E-Cat HT tests performed in Ferrara by Levi et al.:

http://it.ibtimes.com/articles/49127/20130521/fusione-fredda-e-cat-andrea-rossi.htm (in Italian)

Giuseppe Levi was contacted by the news writer and gave a few short related comments (semi-Google Translated below):


"As can be inferred, we are facing an unconventional energy source."
"We have been able to carry out our work in complete independence and freedom. From the very first moment, it was made clear that we could publish our results whatever they were."
"It's certainly not a reaction of chemical nature. The absence of radiationtells us that if it's a nuclear energy source, then it's new in nature than those known."
[Regarding the total energy production] "These data are in our work. In the most conservative case we have energy densities ten times greater than conventional ones. However this is certainly an extreme understatement. The report contains figures that are likely to be more realistic."
["Do you believe that the E-Cat can turn upside down the global energy market?"] "Yes, without a doubt"



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