> From: "Andrew" <andrew...@att.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 3:11:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Levi Hot Cat paper is a gem
> p15 states: " the TRIAC power supply has been replaced by a control
> circuit having three-phase power input and single-phase output,
> mounted within a box, the contents of which were not available for
> inspection, inasmuch as they are part of the industrial trade
> secret." I find it hard to believe that simply viewing the contents
> of a box would be off limits. Perhaps it contained 100 Kg of
> batteries, which is roughly sufficient to produce 500 W for 116
> hours. Look at the two huge blue boxes in Fig. 16. Why would they be
> off-limits? You can guess the nature of a proprietary waveform by
> looking into a box? This really stinks.

You mean fig 6 ? Also shown in Fig 4.

The "big blue box" at the back are the closed doors of the shipping container.

On the left of the picture you can see a small blue-and-yellow control box, and 
three larger black-and yellow boxes with grills.

Those are about the right size for multi-kW Triacs. (Do you admit that there 
ARE triacs, or do you think they've been replaced with 100-hour 4 kW  

The blue and yellow control box is maybe 8 x 10 x 4 inches (wild guess). 

Incidentally, ALL the equipment seems to go into one power socket. All those 
laptops and stuff are going to LOVE that huge DC and RF fake power.

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