MarkI-ZeroPoint <> wrote:

> ****
> ****
> The diagram is by Peter Thieberger, a particle physicist.  It shows how
> some ‘rewiring ‘ of a power cable can be done so that it will register NO
> current on any meters monitoring the separate wires of the power cable.

I do not see how this would work. They have to expose the wires to measure
voltage. Surely they would notice there are two wires under the
insulation?!? Also the voltage would not drop to zero during the off phase.

Notice that in the second diagram the ammeter surrounds both the plus and
negative wire, so it registers nothing. That is what I pointed out the
other day, and what all ammeter manuals show, including this one, on p. 4:

I can't imagine how a person would fail to notice the clip is around two
wires tucked together in the same insulation, since you have to strip off
the insulation to measure voltage. After you strip it off, even if you
somehow overlooked the fact that there are two wires, the two wires short
out and burn the moment the gadget is switched to the pretend "off" phase.

- Jed

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