On Tue, 4 Jun 2013 14:29:27 -0400
Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  The fact that these measurements have enormous
> implications has no bearing on...how believable they are.

Of course it does. Do you think GE will be beating down Rossi's
doors because of this one test?

> > ; but
> > there is a lot more at stake with LENR, so I, and anybody with his
> > head screwed on right, will want to see more tests, and more
> > independent ones than this one, before we are willing to accept
> > the results.
> >
> If you are
> evenhanded as you say, I think you would now say that you lean toward
> accepting them or at least you are neutral.

I think it is likely the test will be worthless - probably faked
in some way by Rossi - because Rossi has the reputation of being a
liar, and because LENR, if it were real, would have more going for
it than 23 years of anecdotes and laboratory curiosities. 

That seems pretty evenhanded to me.

> You have only suggested that Levi is
> corrupt and that he is willing to destroy his career in return for a few
> thousand euros. If you believe this you are poor judge of human behavior.

You are confusing me with somebody else; I have no opinion of Levi
one way or the other.

> People have now used industry-standard power company techniques to confirm
> Rossi's claims. It is case closed. There is nothing more to discuss.

Then GE must be begging Rossi to accept millions from them just to
have a little business chat, because if the test has truly
confirmed Rossi's claims, then GE, with the engineering brainpower
it has, must have recognized it as well as you have.

> If you insist on evaluating not only the technical issues also with
> reference to the reputations of the researchers...

Again, you are confusing me with somebody else: I know little and
have said nothing about the reputations of the researchers.

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