> From: "Akira Shirakawa" <shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:12:14 PM

> Daniele Passerini of 22passi blog is posting photos and slides from
> yesterday's meeting at the EU parliament on LENR, from an anonymous
> source, along with other misc. information. As of writing only photos
> from McKubre's and Violante's presentation are available, but
> apparently
> more is going to be posted in the coming hours, so check out the
> following URL often:
> http://22passi.blogspot.com/2013/06/new-advancements-on-fleischmann-pons.html

And all talking about Pd-D, Not Ni-H !!??  (Based on the presenters and titles).

I would have expected a summary of Rossi's CLAIMED results, pointing out that 
they have not been fully verified.

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