I can talk crazy too, here's my 5ยข.

In addition to the powerful energy lobbies, I believe CF would unlock
new physics, and that means new weapons.  Now that could be kind-of-OK
if developing those new weapons requires nation-state-level funding
for decades, but if it allows any Joe McTerrorist to assemble a 50
kton CF bomb from a few physical equations and two bags of nickel
shavings then it might just be better to keep the cold fusion genie in
the bottle while the New World Order figures out how to pacify the
population.  In other words, world peace and thus mandatory Google
Glasses and QR codes tattooed on our foreheads might be prerequisites
for letting CF develop.  But it seems like we need cheap energy for
world peace to begin with.  So maybe Rossi didn't die in a car
accident early in the game because his device is not readily
Berke Durak

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