In contrast, the only miracle required for a version of the Rydberg redundancy 
explanation (redundant electron ground state) is that it happens at all… since 
everything else is standard physics.


… or stated another way – it would be a miracle in itself if the experimental 
proof offered (predictable UV emission lines and thermal gain) can be explained 
another way with fewer miracles.


Despite being less generally accepted, this explanation is far ahead on 
“Conservation of Miracles” criteria. 


From: Harry Veeder 

Kim says Huizenga's three miracles are:

(1) suppression of the DD Coulomb repulsion (Gamow factor)  

(2) no production of nuclear products (D+D → n+ 3He, etc.)

(3) the violation of the momentum conservation in free space 

In other places I have seen Huizenga three miracles written like this :

(1) the mystery of how the Coulomb barrier is penetrated 

*  (2) the lack of strong neutron emissions

*  (3) the lack of strong emission of gamma or x-rays

*  see for example



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