> From: "Axil Axil" <janap...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 1:30:54 PM
> References:
> http://phys.org/news/2013-05-einstein-spooky-action-common-large.html
> Einstein's 'spooky action' common in large quantum systems,
> mathematicians find
> If you like mathematics that can choke an elephant try this as
> follows:
> http://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.2264v3.pdf

You really ought to draw a line here :

what's in the article and paper ^^^^^^^^^^
comments on how this might affect LENR   vvvvvvvvvv

> Why does a Ni/H reactor form a Bose-Einstein condensate throughout
> its entire volume? STANIS LAW J. SZAREK provides the answer; the
> dipoles throughout the reactor are forced to become totally
> entangled when the percentage of dipole entanglement exceeds 20%.
> The Ni/H reactor will formulate a very large entangled system when it
> is in operation. As a large system, it has no choice but to become
> totally entangled.
> Infrared Photon tunneling between the individual Nano-cavities is the
> method by which quantum entanglement is spread Josephson like from
> one nano-cavity to its immediate neighbors.
> When the Ni/H reactor is not totally entangled, it renders the
> nuclear energy it produces from the decoherent nano-cavities as
> gamma radiation. However, if the 20% entanglement threshold is
> reached, the energy produced by the LENR reaction is thermalized
> through the process of frequency sharing as in a large super atom.
> When a Ni/H reactor is not yet totally entangled, it will produce
> gamma radiation. This can happen when the reactor is heating up upon
> startup or cooling down at shutdown.
> In the LeClair reactor, the 20% entanglement threshold is never
> reached and a significant proportion of its energy output is
> rendered as gamma radiation.
> A Ni/H reactor must exceed this 20% dipole entanglement threshold
> before its energy production phase is initiated to avoid the
> inconvenience of gamma production.

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