That’s why this forum is here Leonard!

We place the higher emphasis on data, and hopefully carefully obtained data… 

Can you provide some details of the HAD event???


-Mark Iverson

PS: I need ALL Vorts to send some major ‘licensing’ mojo my way!!!



From: Leonard Arbuthnot [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:57 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Evidence is all around us


Widespread evidence for LENR already lies buried in the filing cabinets and 
computer archives of universities, commercial companies, and research 
organisations, across the world.

I'm not talking about results from specific CF or LENR experiments, but of all 
the oddball or slightly puzzling results, from ostensibly unrelated fields, 
that are either explained away in some cavalier fashion, or simply ignored.

For instance, back in the 90s I was shown data confirming accidental 
transmutation, and physically induced radiation, resulting from experiments in 
hot gas erosion of steel. Researchers had dismissed the results, at the time, 
because they made no sense to them - and so the trials were abandoned. I was 
later shown the results by an engineering lecturer from the university that had 
conducted the tests – because I had tentatively mentioned the possibility of 
LENR effects in some other R&D work we were both involved with (this was after 
we had experienced a bizarre “heat-after-death” incident).

It seems he had always been puzzled by the data (hence holding on to it), but 
other researchers had classed the results as “outliers”, putting them down to 
unknown errors in procedure – so everybody else was happy to simply throw them 
in the waste paper basket.

The results were what Charles Fort referred to as “Damned Data” – i.e. the data 
that falls outside the “established” models of how the world is supposed to 
work. All scientists claim that they would always sieze on anomalies, and 
pledge to investigate them further – but in practice many will just ignore 
anything that doesn't fit neatly inside their preconceived notions of reality.

Of course, the lecturer in question was coming up to retirement, and 
understandably didn’t want to jeopardise his position – so wished to keep a low 
profile. He had said nothing to anyone about the results, until our meeting, 
and did not intend to pursue the subject afterwards.

So what did I do, following this peculiar HAD event? Unfortunately, the tests 
in question could not be talked about publicly (and still can't) – due to all 
sorts of confidentiality restrictions. Nevertheless, after some soul searching, 
I did actually bring up the subject of LENR with my supervisor of the time. The 
whole idea freaked him out – so he told me, in no uncertain terms, to shut up 
about it. And so I did – since, like everybody else, I had to eat and keep a 
roof over my head.

How much more aberrent, anomalous (but highly pertinent) field data is out 
there, languishing in files marked “False Results. Ignore” ? And how many more 
people are sitting on data that they dare not speak about publicly, since they 
don't relish the idea of making “career limiting” statements ?


  - Leo

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