John Milstone <> wrote:

Please provide the page and/or diagram from the report which supports your
> claim that they measured input power in between the controller and the tube
> furnace.

They did not. You misunderstand. Not to put words in Jones Beene's mouth, I
think he was making two points:

1. They might have measured it any time. There were no restrictions. They
told me that, and Rossi also made that clear. So this trick would not work
because they had the means to see through it.

2. Those wires are macroscopic, as I said. They are large objects. You
cannot fail to see one. They are not invisible or as thin as a hair. As
noted in the paper, the authors lifted the controller box off the table and
looked at it, and saw only the wires from the wall going into it. There is
no chance they did not strip down all of the wires going into the
controller to measure voltage. When you strip a wire, there is no chance
you will overlook an extra wire hidden underneath it in separate insulation.

Now, clearly, you do not believe this. You think the authors might have
been fooled. You think they might have overlooked a wire. That is your
opinion and you have a right to it, but I think you should acknowledge the
authors themselves believed they looked for wires and found none. They
stated this clearly. You might also acknowledge that that Jones Beene, I,
and many others believe they can easily check for wires. We think wires are
large objects that no one can overlook. So, let us agree to disagree about
this aspect of the paper.

- Jed

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