This whole digression and flight of fancy into framing Rossi as part
magician and part scammer is not just wrong - it is a sick embarrassment
that could cost Society dearly.

Sure - it might be possible for Rossi to disguise a hidden power source, or
any number of cheesy tricks, or to bring in a real magician as a consultant
- but what is the end-game? Rossi only benefits with a successful product.
And there is a huge downside risk for fraud.

It makes no sense that an extremely dedicated work-a-holic inventor who has
invested a decade of intensive labor into optimizing an invention (and BTW
it is an invention that was basically proved as being real in 1992 by
Thermacore) would stoop to such a level... not to mention invest his
personal fortune.

When Rossi, or someone else, does bring LENR to market - people like
Millstone, Hody and Schroeder are going to regret their misguided efforts -
which have certainly served to hold back others at the University level from
investigating the effects. And for what real purpose? To protect unnamed
investors from being fleeced? Would not their efforts be better focused by
picketing Casinos in Las Vegas or Goldman/Morgan/etc on Wall Street?

If the Rossi effect is real - every delay of a year effectively transfers
half a trillion dollars to OPEC then years hence. If the Rossi effect is a
scam, a few investors may lose a few million and Rossi spends his retirement
years in prison. That is the basic equation.

Look at the balance of this equation to Humanity ... the risk/reward ratio
is so skewed that the efforts of skeptics is just wrong if they delay
progress by a day. They do not have to actually help - simply not impeding
progress is sufficient.

Silly. Brain-dead. Wrong. You guys are all smart enough to know better.

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