On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 6:21 AM, David L Babcock <ol...@rochester.rr.com>wrote:

> My hand can easily feel the radiant heat from my flat screen.  This is
> stronger where whiter (brighter?).  And so, yes I "felt something".  (Did
> not try other body places, did not notice other sensations.)

Well then you are very sensitive to light, but you are not feeling the
aetheric energy from the image as it is strongest where black, especially
the center.

> If I hypothesize that the radiant thermal signal is out-shouting the
> "real" signal

Perhaps, but only because you have essentially no sensation from the
aetheric energy.
While MOST people feel it, there is a percentage that either do not, or do
not 99 times out of 100.
And most feel it clearly enough to distinguish it from heat from the

And occasionally I have found people who feel it for a moment, clearly.
Only to lose it.
It isn't at 100% yet, but it is above 90% generally. I do suspect that
people in certain jobs, or of certain personality types are far less likely
to feel it.

> , then would like to see your symbol surrounded by a considerable area of
> background. The background should be a fine pattern or gray tone that emits
> -as carefully as you can set it up- the same radiant heat as the symbol,
> per sq in.
> I suggest a fine dot pattern, as this avoids considering the gamma
> matching problem.  Just generate the background pattern to the same black
> pixel/white pixel ratio, as the symbol.  A blank ring may want to be put
> around the symbol to balance that extra dark edge, but this would perhaps
> be trying too hard.

Indeed, it would.

While what people feel differs, and even how people feel differs (some just
look at an image and know something is going on, this is an ability I
generally don't have), but the sensation at the exact center of that image
is quite distinct, quite structured.

So one brave person gave it a try, Thanks David.


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