From: "Brad Lowe" <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:30:54 AM

> The question becomes is a two-year long term call/put enough time for
> Rossi's invention to reach the market and start impacting the price
> of energy markets.
> The expected outcomes:
> 1. Fraud (hidden wires etc.)
> 2. Unable to extract the energy in a useful way
> 3. Demonstrates self-running electric and heat generator
> 4. Legal development ceases (government conspiracy, gets classified,
> outlawed.)
> It seems like we have been stuck at state #2. Rossi claims he is
> working hard on #3 and getting "close".

Rossi isn't (apparently) working on self-sustaining (ie without energy input). 
Unless you clarify "self-running" as "unattended-running" at economic levels 

On legal there's the PRESENT Legal obstacle

4A. Current legal obstructions end (Patent, Funding) -- Enabling 
4B. Legal development ceases (government conspiracy, gets classified,
> outlawed.) -- Disabling

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