> From: "H Veeder" <hveeder...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 4:06:53 PM
> "Back in the caveman and cavewoman days, someone had the idea to try
> to create fire artificially. They had seen the heat generated by
> forest fires started by lightning, and they thought that fire would
> be just dandy to create heat and light at night and to cook meat.
> They were tired of eating raw meat. Since people had noticed heat
> was generated by rubbing sticks together, some had the idea to rub
> them together faster and faster. Eventually here and there people
> claimed they were able to start fires by this method..."
> http://www.buildtheenterprise.org/caveman-science-committee-concludes-fire-does-not-exist

Pretty accurate. I added a comment (slightly modified below), but it didn't 
show up :

When  the science committee first met, they summoned their best men to try and 
replicate the claims. Kaltiki and Hariwillie used wet kindling and green 
sticks, rubbed them for only half an hour, and reported failure. Mitty used dry 
sticks, and generated some smoke, but not fire, so they fudged their results, 
and said it must have been mist. These "debunking" proofs are still enshrined 
in the "wookie foot" clan archives. 

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