The Shukla-Eliasson effect states that a negatively charged potential makes
it possible to combine positively charged particles (ions) in atom-like
structures within the plasma.

In a quantum plasmas that form at the nano-scales, where quantum-mechanical
effects gain significance, the plasma density is very high and the
temperature is low.

This condition exists when dipole excitation form on the surface of a metal
surrounded by a dielectric material. When the conditions are right, a
Nanoplasmonic structure comprised of an intense collective ball of rapidly
rotating electrons and light combine to form as a hot spot. This
electromagnetic vortex packs huge negative charge under extreme
concentrations to form a nano-scale plasmoid.

Under this extreme nano-condition, then this newly discovered potential
occurs, which is caused by collective interaction processes of degenerate
electrons with the quantum ionic positive surface plasma of the dipole sea.

The protons of ionized hydrogen and those of nuclei of nickel grow close
and form pairs.

The new negative potential of the hot spot causes an attractive force
between the dipole ions, which then form tightly packed lattices. The
positive ions of hydrogen and nickel are compressed and the distances
between them shortened to such a degree that they touch.

Even though these ions form pairs, they do not combine until the anapole
magnetic field from the hot spot disrupts the Higgs fields in these
respective nuclei to effect the fusion of the two ions.

A common misconception that is rampant sates that a neutron is formed when
an electron grows close to its hydrogen nucleus.

In this theory, Molecular Hydrogen (H2) needs to “break” to its atomic form
where H has to be “excited” to its Rydberg state. Its electron’s trajectory
becomes highly elliptic to a point that the electron approaches so closely
that the proton and electron combine to form a neutron through reverse beta

This neutron based theory is incorrect.

When the Hot Spot is at the proper strength level, its intense native
charge draws the associated positive ions of the dipole sea close together
and its anapole magnetic emanations produced by its vortex rotational
motion actually combine the hydrogen and nickel nuclei together.

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