Good overall article, and I find this statement interesting.


". the university recently acquired a new, prestigious $3 million grant from
the National Science Foundation specifically to investigate and apply
neutron scattering, which has already begun."


I think what is meant here, but not stated explicitly, is that they are
applying neutron scattering to help understand LENR.  If this is so, then I
have to wonder how they phrased the NSF application!  If it included CF or
LENR anywhere in the app, then it would seem that some real progress has
been made in getting mainstream to acknowledge the field as legit. and
wouldn't that also be validation for the CF page at Wikipedia. oh well, one
can hope.


-Mark Iverson


From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2013 7:14 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Mizzou New on cold fusion and ICCF18



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