DJ Cravens <> wrote:

re read what I wrote.  I said a board room not a hotel room.

In that case I know nothing about it.

> I personal resent you calling  activities disgraceful and horrible.

I resent seeing people piss away $20 million.

>   I thought that Vortex rules prevented such things. I will defend myself"

I am talking about Patterson. You played only a bit role.

> You keep making claims of being able to bring mega buck and big companies.
> You talk about the need to save the planet.  But then you say you will not
> even sign a NDA.  Why not sign, go convince yourself and then bring
> your big mega buck friends and let them see it.

You have that backward! I would not need to sign an NDA if I am presenting
the information.

As it happens, I have no secret information.

>   Or would they not believe you.

They believe me. That's why people download so many papers.

>    You use your personal NDA views as an excuse for doing nothing.

I do plenty! See:

> Why do you think others are wrong if they do not give you data when you
> won't even show yourself trustworthy?

I am drowning in data!


> "You do not publish your results."-----You are totally wrong and
> misleading.  You keep perpetuating this mistruth as if by saying many times
> it will come true.

Let me rephrase: You have not published your results in many years as far
as I know. Perhaps I have not kept up with your publications.

>   This is why many inventors do not trust you.

Who would that be?

>   You have or had several of my papers on lenr canr.  You know that!  Do
> you deny it?

Nothing after 2008 and nothing, anywhere, ever about the kind of device you
plan to show at NI Week. You have been talking about it for years but as
far as I know you have not published so much as a calibration curve. And
yet you expect people to magically know about it!

> I just did a search on LENR CANR and find 122 hits. I have papers, and
> people know them and reference them.  My guess is you will scrub them now
> like Mitch S. But you keep saying these things.

Mitch S. sent me two letters saying he would sue me if I uploaded his
papers or quoted from them. If you send me letters like that, yes, I will
scrub your papers.

You don't even have to threaten a lawsuit. You tell me to remove them and
they will be gone the next day.

Several authors asked me to remove papers, usually just one paper, leaving
the others. I have not removed any other papers for any other reason.

- Jed

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