The hot fusion method that you describe has been explored for over 100 years using over 50 billion dollars. Several methods are being explored because they have promise, but not the ones you note because they have no promise. Hot fusion continues to receive support in an attempt to overcome the ENGINEERING problems. Once LENR is acknowledged as a nuclear reaction, it also will get similar support. So far, the financial system does not acknowledge this fact.


On Jul 10, 2013, at 9:19 PM, Eric Walker wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Edmund Storms <> wrote:

Occurrence of a nuclear reaction is the only proof that matters. Once a nuclear reaction is demonstrated to occur, making commercial energy only requires good engineering.

I wish this were true, in and of itself. But people have known about muon catalyzed fusion, pre-1989 cold fusion, sonoluminescence and neutrons being emitted from lightening for a long time, and these phenomena have remained curiosities. An additional ingredient that must be present in order for people to become excited about LENR is the possibility of a new energy source.


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