Paper on the Kaye effect

Shear-thinning fluids exhibit surprisingly rich behaviour. One example is
the Kaye effect which occurs when a thin stream of a solution of
polyisobutylene in Decalin is poured into a dish of the fluid. As pouring
proceeds, a small stream of liquid occasionally leaps upward from the heap.
This surprising effect, which lasts only a second or so, is named after its
first observer A. Kaye, who could offer no explanation for this behaviour.
Later, Collyer and Fischer suggested from 250 frames per second cine
recordings that the fluid must be highly shear thinning as well as elastic
and 'pituitous'. In addition, they concluded that a rigid surface is
required to back the reflected liquid stream. While the words bouncing and
reflection are associated with non-continuous and elastic effects, we will
show here that the Kaye effect is in fact a continuous flow phenomenon. We
show that the Kaye effect works for many common fluids, including shampoos
and liquid soaps. We reveal its physical mechanism (formation, stability
and disruption) through high-speed imaging. The measurements are
interpreted with a simple theoretical model including only the shear
thinning behaviour of the liquid; elastic properties of the liquid play no
role. We show that the Kaye effect can be stable and that it can be
directed. We even demonstrate a stable Kaye effect on a thin soap film
excluding the necessity of a rigid backing surface.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:19 PM, H Veeder <> wrote:

> I think it might be related (in an oblique way) to the Kaye effect.
> Harry
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>>  ** **
>> *From:* H Veeder ****
>> ** **
>> The problem with the explanation offered in the video is that it could
>> apply to a rope but ropes don't behave like that so the explanation is not
>> specific to the behaviour of the chain.****
>>  ****
>> ****
>> ** **
>> Wire could behave like the chain in the video, or maybe stiff rope. Think
>> “slinky” … ****
>> ** **
>> … you probably need a certain amount of stiffness to get a spring effect
>> in the uncoiling. It is more than momentum. ****
>> ** **
>> ** **

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