
This paper has little relevance to LENR ... other than as metaphor.

Muon catalyzed fusion is hot fusion - with all the indicia of hot fusion.

The closest comparison one can make between the two is that one form of LENR
seems to be described best as "polariton catalyzed fusion" ... but even that
form is different from hot fusion (MCF - muon catalyzed fusion) - in having
no gammas (none commensurate with thermal gain).

OTOH the Pyroelectric effect is the ability of certain materials to generate
a voltage when heated, such that the polarization of the material changes
... and this is almost the same definition as that of the polariton.

But in the end, the electric field (in MCF) is lower but the lack of gammas
(in PCF) is the clear difference.

-----Original Message-----
From: David ledin 

Apparently lenr is combination of Pyroelectric_fusion process and
Rydberg matter result is a more efficient muon catalyzed fusion
process .

David ledin  wrote:

> Muon-catalysed  fusion by microwave ionization  of  a Rydberg  atom.

> http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0811/0811.4038.pdf
> http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0605206.pdf

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