On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 14:27:51 +0200
Moab Moab <moab2...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> That article doesn't make sense to me.
> You are proposing that a "name change" will make non-listeners into
> listeners, I don't think that's gonna work at all.
> I think that any non-listening scientists that would read the a paper
> published with the new name will immediately figure out that "it's plain
> old cold fusion **** again, but now they're pushing it to us with yet
> another name". 

I kind of see what you mean: when 'global warming' became 'climate
change' and didn't even stop there, and became 'climate
disruption', I had the feeling they were pushing **** at us.

And when 'spam' had its meaning changed from 'unsolicited
commercial email' to 'any email you do not want to receive', I
figured scoundrels were trying to pull the wool over our eyes
to somehow make spam profitable for even more people that it
already is.

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