You passed the somewhat off-beat test. And, arguably all others did as well 
when they did not respond. (They just acted at a level not exemplified by 

 . . . this primitive mailing list may not acknowledge the 21st century. But it 
still allows us to use a transformational technology generally recognized as 
being invented about 3200 BCE concerning a technology hopefully reaching the 
stage of practical implementation 'relatively' soon.

It will work for me.


Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 21:29:56 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Test Message

Mason Ainsworth <> wrote:
Please respond if you don't get this.                                     

How can you respond if you do not get something?! "Raise your hand if you 
absent from class."
Perhaps you refer to the emoji (絵文字). That did not come through. This is a 
primitive mailing list. ASCII only. We do not acknowledge the 21st Century.

- Jed

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