*Spectral properties of interacting magnetoelectric particles*

The reference describes how the linear magnetoelectric (ME) effect provides
a special route for linking magnetic and electric properties.

This paper shows that there is a special coupling mechanism between
oscillating ME elements as is present in the Ni/H reactor.

This concept begins to explain how many small vortex current can add to
produce a large global magnetic effect.

In a system of many vortex magnetic currents forms through whispering mode
energy accumulation, these vortex currents will become coupled and coherent
through the sharing of waveform resonance.

In the theory of coupled whispering-gallery resonators, the overlap between
the resonators is used as a "direct" modal coupling term. The coherent
coupling results in the frequency splitting of the corresponding
whispering-gallery modes and is a manifestation of the well-known phenomena
of the normal mode splitting in coupled harmonic oscillators.

Magnetic energy will spread equally and be shared across the ensemble of
coupled and entangled magnetic resonators

These vortice currents are guaranteed by the chiral edge states of
magnetic-dipolar modes in an unbalanced boundary condition.

In short, the reference explains how a system can become electrically and
magnetically entangled though a oscillator based method of sharing energy
is a highly efficient dark mode.

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