>From (one of the last real journalists) Glenn Greenwald today -

Obama, Congress and Syria

The president is celebrated for seeking a vote on his latest war even as
his aides make clear it has no binding effect


An especially noteworthy extract -
  Secretary of State John Kerry, this morning on CNN, said this when
  asked  whether the Congressional vote would be binding: "[Obama] has
  the right to do this no matter what Congress does."

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Alain Sepeda" <alain.sep...@gmail.com>
> To: "Vortex List" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Subject: [Vo]:Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria
> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 7:03 PM
> Another vision focussed on Saudi role in that, and alredy happening
> genocide against non
> suni:http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fjacqueshenry.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F08%2F31%2Fsuite-de-mon-precedent-billet%2F
> Following my previous post
> Published August 31, 2013
> I was talking with my son today via Google + (our conversation was
> certainly recorded and analyzed) about events in the Middle East. From
> Japan, he shows a fairly objective analysis of this particular
> concern.According to him, everything is played in Riyadh, the stronghold
> of the Wahhabi Salafi supporters. Saudi Arabia, the most obscurantist and
> reactionary country imaginable on this planet, Iran and the mullahs are
> amateurs in this field, pulling the strings of the puppets in his service
> in the Middle East since the Al Qaeda loyalists unleashed like packs of
> rabid dogs to fight roumi wherever it is located and the Shiite equally
> despised the "cross" or Zionist. Concentrate hatred spread everywhere,
> including in the suburbs of major cities in Western Europe, the
> petrodollars help. What happened in Egypt is indicative of what will most
> likely happen in Syria if the Americans, aided by the French far for a
> good cause, engage in surgical strikes against the interests of the regime
> in Damascus, multicultural, Interfaith and tolerant despite what the
> Western media intoxicated by the White House. Indeed, the mad god
> Salafists, funded by Saudi Arabia, have killed many roumis, mostly Copts
> and small Christian communities of Armenian origin and also attacked the
> Shiites, the sworn enemies of Wahhabis. The heart of the Syrian civil war
> fomented by Saudi Arabia is a project pipeline to bring gas from Qatar to
> the Mediterranean and Western Europe via Jordan. Qatar supported the
> Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, choirboys compared Salafists, Qatar was
> ousted from the Egyptian scene, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the
> Egyptian army, supported by Riyadh, massacred many for otherwise
> permanently deter at least temporarily to act for substantial financial
> support from Riyadh, which was done after the fatal shooting of Cairo, 9
> billion, a drop of oil in Saudi Arabia. Now it is calm in Egypt, but the
> Syrian Assad, Alawite-Shiite friends Mullahs in Tehran are in a critical
> situation since the dead gassed the perpetrators remain unknown. In the
> context I just described very schematically one wonders if the use of
> Sarin is not a Salafi provocation, Chechen and other terrorists funded by
> Riyadh working in Syria, killing deliberately for their successful
> completion of strategic plans of Saudi Arabia, with the support of the USA
> now confessed. Saudi Arabia, the country that has the most executions in
> the world in relation to the population of thirty million people, where
> women have no civil rights and are not allowed to drive a motor vehicle,
> this country collapsing under the dollars, using slaves from the
> Philippines to perform the menial tasks of daily life, wants to impose its
> will in the region. And Holland, on behalf of the French who elected
> President intends to support their policy. But Iran does not hear it that
> way. Why Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons, just to calm Riyadh, its
> king and princes of junk (not that much, they are drowning in dollars) and
> its relentless political and religious police cut the hand of first thief
> came and headed to light saber any gay or stone an adulterous
> woman. Holland should enjoy after the wedding for all ... In short,
> Holland wrong target and Russia and Iran have understood. The opening of
> an international conflict in Syria would be an opportunity for Iran to do
> battle once and for all with this medieval regime troublemaker East Timor
> to Morocco and soon in English suburbs, French, Belgian or
> German. Perhaps this is also the reason for the commitment of Holland to
> Obama sides at all costs to preserve the apparent calm of the French
> suburbs indoctrinated by Salafists remotely by Riyadh ...
> 2013/8/31 a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net>
> I’m very pessimistic that the general
> population will hear
> the real story until years after any attack. 
> This is the second report about groups other than the
> Syrian government using
> the poison gas and they all seem as unlikely as the official
> story that Assad
> did it.  In many ways the
> official story
> is the least likely as Assad is rational as well as unpleasant,
> so why would he
> invite America to bomb him when he was already winning?
> I can’t see that America bombing Syria
> will do any good what-so-ever.   All it
> will do is kill a number of Syrians who were not responsible for
> the gas
> attack, destroy some buildings and infrastructure, and by
> evening up the two
> sides prolong the war.  Does
> the US
> really want al Qaeda to win?
> Appalling as all wars are, particularly
> civil wars fought
> over religious divides,  American
> involvement
> would simply make it worse.

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