I'm not sure that moderation is the best way, but even if so, I think it is
impossible to control the spread of LENR.

LENR, once proven, even without retro-engineering, will be too easy to copy.
If Defkalion and rossi protect their IP, team lik Defkalion in Africa,
China, Asia, Brasil, will create clone...
some mafia will create clone and some informal citizen networks will
develop copies...

it will be uncontrollable.
If a neigbour propose me a Defkalion CHP clone for 5-10k$ I may discuss,
but a small business in Africa will not discuss, to save the awful price of

then the incumbent will have to increase prices because they are losing
clients, and finally they will push competitors... they will die in less
than 10 years, whatever the government or the corps decide.

At short term it may be reassuring to pretend it will be slow, you are
but it will be a lie.

LENR is not like nuclear energy, or even oil digging... it is small-sized,
not hightech... it can be sold to individual at acceptable price...

If you forbid it it will be like US alcohol prohibition...

2013/9/6 Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>

> In the long march of human affairs, gradualism and evolution have been
> consistently shown to be the best strategy for orderly and prudent change.
> The systems that have developed over the centuries cannot be overturned in
> a shocking overnight revolution of disruption. That disruptive strategy
> will lead to far more harm to the preservation of the common good and the
> domestic tranquilly than chaotic replacement of existing critical
> infrastructure.
> The oil fields, refineries, and gas stations must remain open for years
> and decades to fill the gas tanks of our current fleet of road transport.
> The electric grid must remain supported for years through the bills
> faithfully paid to the electric utilities by faithful rate payers.
> The gas and oil pipelines should be gradually and slowly phased out as
> demand for the products that they carry slowly decrease.
> LENR must be presented to corporate leaders worldwide as an innovation and
> technological advancement capable of providing increased margins rather
> than a threat to their current interests.
> Disorganized and chaotic revolution serves the interests, welfare and
> prospects of no one, so great care and leadership must be taken to evolve
> society and our energy infrastructure in a well-designed, thoughtful, and
> decade’s long transitional process.
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2013/09/nassim-nicholas-taleb-and-cold-fusion_5.html
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania
>> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

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