Syria: Nobel Peace Laureate Tells Her Account of What She

7 min. video

Nobel Peace Prize laurete, Mairead Maguire visited Syria and
discovered that the U.S. is funding violent groups that do not
want peace in Syria.

Thousands fled from Syria because foreign fighters came in
and were shooting and killing and burning their homes.

Within Syria, there are over 40,000 foreign jihadists attached
 to Al Qaeda, well armed with plenty of money, and their agenda
 is not for human rights or democracy within Syria, but to take
over Syria.  They are being funded by Katar, Saudi Arabia,
America, and Britain.

Obama is doing completely the wrong thing. It will destabilize
the entire Middle East. The UN found that the Syrian
government did not use chemical weapons against their own

Your calls to Congress today, could prevent another war!

Please encourage your representative and senators to oppose
U.S. military action in Syria and support sustained diplomacy.

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"Please vote no on any authorization for any military action in Syria."

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