Waterspouts are not swirling wind and water vapor


They are strings of decaying vacuum energy

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 9:42 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jones,
> I agree with your last statement, I do not necessarily differentiate
> between dark energy and dark matter, I think it is all primarily vacuum
> energy curled up into at least six extra dimensions of space within our
> 3-dimensions of space.  I think the cores of most all of these
> "gravitational" bodies are black branes, including comet nuclei.  I
> consider this some of the missing "dark matter" that is encased within a
> baryonic crust from decay.   You can pack a hell of alot of mass/energy
> into a volume with x^6 additional volume space to store it.  I believe the
> core of the Earth may be a six dimensional brain (like a torroid) see
> http://cronodon.com/Atomic/String_Theory.html and our magnetic fields are
> strings(1-branes) of vacuum energy looping around the poles and making up
> her tail. Hurricanes, waterspouts, mesovortex tornadoes and our jet
> streams, etc. are all created by these decaying strings interacting with
> our atmosphere and earthen matter.  The Moore tornado released between 8
> and 600 times the energy of the Hiroshima bomb within 40 minutes and I do
> not believe there is any way in hell air and water vapor alone can do that.
> The destruction was a release of entropy within those overhead strings
> through quantum decoherence.
> These branes are all decaying at their surface and create a firewall of
> LENR reactions and decaying to protons (h+) and they "leak" energetic
> branes of vacuum energy into the space around them.  M theory predicts 11
> dimensions of space (one is time that I see as really decay, but that is
> for another discussion) and explains gravity as possibly caused by a
> multi-dimensional brane (such as possibly the core of the Sun) "leaking"
> branes into other dimensions of space (our 3 - within the solar wind).  In
> other words, the Earth is orbiting the Sun and "pulls a vacuum" on it and
> is rewarded with energetic vacuum particles that decay space and inflate
> into strings and form our weather disturbances as they decay in our
> atmosphere.  And we humans are really just "baryonic crust dwellers" living
> on a brane. :)
> We are living each day of our lives through the same process that
> theoretical physics predicts the universe started from in my model.  Our
> lives unfold from the Sun and our weather is really our decaying quantum
> gravity field and many clouds are "topological defects" and density
> differences.  "Branes bring Rain" as they decay and ionize our atmosphere.
> I think Einstein was only partially correct, space is not smoothly warping
> around gravitational bodies, the space is full of these energetic, massive
> vacuum branes accelerating, inflating and decaying between bodies.  Which
> explains why the universe is not teeming with life because gravity is
> really created by energetic vacuum decaying space between branes and we
> walk a fine balance with the anthropic principal.  This decaying vacuum
> energy gradually ionizes and decays us humans over 80 years or so, some
> sooner.
> Last weird thing and I will let you go.  My model shows that vacuum energy
> just caused the Green Bay, WI bridge to buckle through ionization and
> accelerated decay...
> http://darkmattersalot.com/2013/09/27/the-reaper-is-hiding-in-the-fog/
> Fog has killed before and now I think I know why...IT IS OUR DECAYING
> http://io9.com/5955311/the-london-fog-that-killed-over-ten-thousand-people
> Until further notice please walk around sinkholes and stay out of the fog
> :)
> Stewart
> darkmattersalot.com
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>>  There was almost no doubt that Stewart would jump onto this topic with
>> a smile on his face – and there appears to be a pretty convincing
>> cross-connection between sunspots and planetary tidal forces (not just
>> Jupiter but others as well) locked into some kind of a cosmic slow dance,
>> as he mentions on his site. ****
>> ** **
>> And the dark-matter input also sounds logical, due to the gammas. Yet the
>> calculation of the intensity of tidal forces, as felt by the sun is
>> miniscule – almost nothing, at least on paper as far as the gravitational
>> component.****
>> ** **
>> Thus - the problem is that these two phenomena taken together implies an
>> extreme amplification factor or similar reactive connection between dark
>> matter and gravity – intense focusing, as if small variation in gravity
>> would magnify dark matter by a very large ratio. ****
>> ** **
>> How does that happen? That part does not seem to follow from the
>> suspected properties of dark matter… and gravitational “lensing” requires
>> galaxy-level mass, millions of solar mass, not a few puny planets. ****
>> ** **
>> Yet all of this does seem to fit into a hypothesis about gravitational
>> polarization of the quantum vacuum which is by nature catalytic in the same
>> way that a small magnet will align a large piece of iron.****
>> ** **
>> http://phys.org/news/2011-08-dark-illusion-quantum-vacuum.html****
>> ** **
>> … but, catch-22, and you may have noticed that if dark matter does not
>> “really” exist but the phenomena attributed to dark matter are more easily
>> explained by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum, then we
>> simply call this effect “dark energy” instead J****
>> ** **
>> *From:* ChemE Stewart ****
>> ** **
>> Agreed, physicists are just a little slow...****
>> ** **
>> http://darkmattersalot.com/2013/05/04/caught-in-the-quantum-crossfire/***
>> *
>> ** **
>> Terry Blanton wrote:****
>> https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/f61d3edfee30****
>> ** **

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