A grammatical/syntactical brain twister:

Open source LENR could have world-changing consequences if it prevents even
a handful of patents from being granted on the grounds of prior art. The
more the merrier.

- Brad

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> http://translate.google.com/#it/en/Bufale%20non%20ce%20ne%20sono%20mai%20nella%20ricerca%2C%20semmai%20%22mandriani%22.
> If you click on each translated work you may choose the other meanings and
> hoax come up as alternative to buffalo so that's pretty good.
> 2013/10/2 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
>> Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  "bufala" -> 1. female buffalo, 2. colloquial hoax. He plays with words.
>>> I think the meaning could be: "There are never hoaxes [buffalos] in
>>> research itself, there are people ("mandriani" -> cowboys) that drive them
>>> instead"
>> I never would have guessed that!
>> Google translate has its limits. I suppose in the future it might include
>> a footnote saying, "this is a pun meaning 'hoax' . . ." Right now it is far
>> from being able to do that.
>> Google translate works well for Italian => English and other European
>> languages. It does not work as well with Japanese, Chinese and other
>> non-European languages. That is understandable.
>> - Jed

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