They said they already have more than one smaller prototype working.
    That's the reason for building the large machine.

    Mark Jordan

On 25-Oct-13 15:51, Jones Beene wrote:
Yes. I thought of this RAR machine in the context of a multi-axis pendulum,
but there could be something else going on with it.

It is almost crazy to think that these people would spend so much money on a
large version - without having a smaller version as an operating PoC.

... but then again, there are a few crazy rich people in the World.

One almost has to conclude that RAR, which is in agricultural processing as
a going concern - has built this machine as a dual-use contraption - which
could be converted to another "real" use (such as crushing grain) if it does
not work as a gainful device to produce net energy.

Given the obvious amount of friction, almost certainly it will fail as a way
extract mechanical energy from gravity - so there must be more to the

-----Original Message-----
From: a.ashfield

I think this gravity machine was on Vortex earlier, but in the last few
days, more photos have been published that show the final configuration,
together with the claim that it works.  Clearly RARenergia think that it
does and have spent a lot of money on it.

What is an interesting question is what would it take to prove the
machine really does work.  Obviously videos would not be enough.


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