LENR is a subject defined by “topological order”. The world of LENR is a
flatland in which electrons do a special dance.


*Flatland: The Movie - Official Trailer*

In the world of LENR, the third dimension does not exist.

All the subatomic particles in the LENR flatland dance on the surface of
things. This order is imposed on the LENR universe because of dipole
motion. Very strong AC currents confine all particle motion to the skin of
current conducting objects.

In the Flatland of LENR of the Ni/H reactor, ‘anyons’, find a comfortable
place to live.

Just as fermions are spin 1/2, 3/2,...., particles obeying Fermi-Dirac
statistics and bosons are spin 0,1,....,particles obeying Bose-Einstein
statistics, ‘anyons’ are particles with ‘any’ spin obeying ‘any’ statistics.

We LENR guys have been calling these anyons hydrinos. One may wonder why
such particles have not been seen until now in LENR. After all, had they
really existed in nature, they would have been just as familiar as the
usual fermions and bosons. Well, the flatland inside the Ni/H reactor is a
very special place where the electrons do a very special dance. This
special dance is called long distance quantum coherence.

Anyons can only exist in two space dimensions, whereas the real world is
three dimensional. This naturally leads to the next question, ‘why bother
to study them at all ?’. The answer is that there do exist phenomena in our
three dimensional world that are planar - systems where motion in the third
dimension is essentially frozen. LENR is such a phenomena. Anyons are
relevant in the explanation of such phenomena. Besides, the study of anyons
has led to a considerable improvement in our theoretical understanding of
concepts like fractional quantum Hall states (FQH).

The FQH will reduce both the spin and the charge of the fermions in the
Ni/H flatworld. A topological state of flux quantization similar to a BCS
superconductor will produce cooper pairs of fermions.  This represents a
mechanism for superconductivity driven purely by strong repulsion and
complex hopping of electrons.

Protons are too heavy to form a condensate at high temperatures but Anyons
are not. It seems like anyons can produce cooper pairs of protons.

The following reference describes the formation of superconductivity,
condensation and superfluid states of Anyons.


*Superconductivity with intrinsic topological order induced by pure Coulomb
interaction and time-reversal symmetry breaking

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:31 PM, cbsite01 <cbsit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello fellow Vortexians,
>    I just finished reading the KIm and Hadjichristos paper and I wanted to
> point out some items that where interesting.   First, I want to applaud the
> collaboration as I see it as validation of the years of scientific efforts
> it has taken to demonstrate the complete validity of Cold Fusion, LENR or
> Low Energy Nuclear Physics (as I like to think). If one follow's Kim's work
> in the field, he has produced some spectacular theoretical work showing
> possible theoretical explanations for excess heat in deuterated and
> hydrated metals over the years.  All fusion is deeply
> quantum-mechanical regardless if it's hot fusion or cold.   The theoretical
> foundations for hot fusion are very well know, but cold fusion has been
> either dubbed impossible or dismissed.  However, the recent experiments
> with Ni H have opened a crack into something that maybe really unusual;
> which Kim, Chubbs, and others (myself included) have argued for years.  A
> BEC of protons, or deuterons has nuclear potential.
> The most interesting part of this paper was the 1.6 Tesla magnetic field
> that lasted 3 to 4 seconds after the high voltage pulse.  Initially this
> was very puzzling to me, that is a big field!  But as I read this paper, it
> dawned on me just exactly what was going on.   The magnetic field is from
> the motion of a large mass of superconducting BEC protons being accelerated
> and moved initially by the high-voltage, and then being carried by the
> massive momentum gained by the protons.  The magnetic field is proof that a
> BEC is involved.  It also shows that Cold Fusion can be a robust effect!
> What has been a difficulty in my mind, has always been that idea, an
> ionized Deuteron is boson, and a proton is Fermion,    What we are seeing
> in the Ni H, is that electronic lattice and nano structures provide a
> mechanism for plasma protons to create proton Cooper pairs that can
> interact in the nuclear space.  I think Chubbs demonstrated that in
> principle.    An intense electric field then should set of a n-body change
> reaction where nuclear space is overlapped.  As Kim has shown, the fusion
> results can depend on the size of condensate that participates.  I think
> this is limited to a certain size of 'n' by the distance and reach of the
> nuclear force and speed of light.
> I can envision the whole surface of the nano-nickel structures infused
> with these protonic Cooper pairs bound by the Ni D-shell electrons.
>  (should the electrons be paired to balance the proton pairs? I don't
> know.)  If any of this can be demonstrated and accepted in main stream
> science, it could be a real sea change in Man's understanding of hydrated
> metal physics.
> Cheers and best regards,
> Chuck

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