
First, if you use paragraphs, your posts will be much more readable.

Second, your URL link is broken.  The new one is -
"Structure Enhancement Factor Relationships in Single Gold Nanoantennas.."

A good, even if difficult to read, paper.

The momentum "superkick" example I cited already includes the momentum
a charged particle acquires at an optical vortex.

As you note, the high local E-field can be enormous when amplified.
It would be good to know how much momentum a charged particle can
acquire in such a field.  This is the calculation, I am interested in:

  Assume a static electrical field = E[V/m] lasting a duration time = T

  Then if two oppositely charged particles, with charges -e and +e
  (e = electron charge) and masses m and M, collide head-on both
  acquire equal, opposite impulses, or momentum kicks = TE/e

  The kinetic energy TE/e represents depends on m and M.
  (It can be waveform squeezing, as well as linear displacement speed.
   The transient colliding composite particle can have zero velocity.)

So what amplitudes and durations must an e-m wave crest have to give
charged particles kinetic energies sufficient to reach LENR levels?
- e.g., for electron capture, pair-creation, etc.

- And, perhaps it's worth noting that electron, protons, some nuclei are
spin-1/2 fermions, so the Dirac equation, instead of the Schrodinger
equation sometimes applies.  This could involve the 'Klein paradox'.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

Axil wrote:
>  *Experimentally measuring hot spot energy concentration.* In a seminal
> Nanoplasmonics paper, the ability of hot spots to concentrate power is
> experimentally determined for the first time.
> [...]

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