From: ChemE Stewart 


I think you need an FCC license to communicate on that channel...:)


Ingeborg wrote:

The Jack Houck whom Dr. Wood mentioned in the interview, published a text on
the "MAW" ( in which he states: "There is
some evidence that there is a mental access window (MAW) when the predominat
frequency of an individual's electroencephalogram (EEG) is 7.81 to 7.83 Hz."



Well, at least until "they" take it down, you too can experience the ULF
trip online:


Hmm. I'm pretty sure one can channel some form of intelligence this way
(one's own projection, at least) but as for getting hooked up with ET, that
is less certain. contact with a sub in the Mariana trench is more likely.


Apparently these Monks couldn't connect very well, despite their training.


yes, yes -- maybe they did, and their success was covered up somehow.


Hmm. well, now it's clear, isn't it ? . the evidence is right in front of
us: 12/21/12 "apparently" never happened when we all knew it would . but
awkshully . that was the design, and it was all about a reboot of the old
SIM which we are locked into . :-)



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