A major geopolitical component that directly impacts national security at
the highest levels is the notion of "genocide" vs "nationalism".

In the original definition accepted by the Geneva convention, "genocide"
was defined in terms of the "destruction of nations".

However, almost at the same time, the  cause of "genocide" in actual usage
came to be associated with "nationalism".  Nationalism, in the moral
zeitgeist, came to be seen as the cause of "genocide".  Hence, if a nation
was undergoing genocide and this aroused defensive feelings which must, by
definition, involve national identity as a sentiment, it could be taken as
justification for actions to destroy the nation.

Hence you had the Rosenbergs transferring atomic secrets to the Soviets for
the high purpose of internationalism -- a key tenant of Marxism -- and --
signfiicantly -- a key tenant of Marxism's supposed polar opposite,
neolibertarianism of the Austrian School of Economics.

This confusion in the moral zeitgeist justifies any and all actions to
destroy national security.

So it should come as little surprise that in the post-Manhattan project
era, key technologies for national security subjected to the highest levels
of classification -- as was the atomic bomb -- are suppressed since they
are, in the moral zeitgeist of Marxism and neolibertarianism, the moral
equivalent of genocide.

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 6:16 AM, <ka...@kabelmail.de> wrote:

> Dr. Robert Wood, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace:
> I have concluded that whatever the source of the propulsion gravity
> control is, is the same as the source of to release energy. And once you
> find one you find the other. And I also think you probably get a good hint
> on how psychic things work....   listen to
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thLGknsJ2Qg  especially min 24:50

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